Decode unites Construction and Finance at Funding the Future

Decode unites Construction and Finance at Funding the Future

Decode has redefined the shared future of the construction and finance industries at our inaugural Funding the Future event.

Yesterday, we brought together over 300 leaders from both sectors to engage in honest, collaborative dialogue. Our keynote speakers and Q&A panel provided profound insights, sparking a critical conversation around the friction points between our industries and how we can collectively create innovative solutions. This level of collaboration was truly inspiring and marked a significant step toward shaping a more confident, transparent, and successful future for both construction and finance.

We extend our sincere gratitude to our keynote speakers Tom Forrest, CEO of Urban Taskforce; Costa Nicodemou, Partner at Newpoint Advisory; and David Chandler, NSW Building Commissioner, for their unique insights from the perspectives of development, finance, and regulation.

Additionally, our all-star Q&A panel, expertly moderated by Peter Stefanovic of Sky News, featured distinguished voices from across the industry. Special thanks to Divya Mehta, Deputy Managing Director of Decode; Corey Nugent, CEO of Resilience Insurance; Leanne Habib, CEO of Premium Strata; Joe Andary, Director of Business at SDSS; Cathy Houston, Managing Director of MA Financial Group; and Gavin Melvin, CEO of UDIA NSW, for sharing their valuable knowledge and perspectives.

Lastly, we owe our deepest appreciation to our sponsors for making Funding the Future possible. Thank you to our Gold sponsors—SDSS, Premium Strata, Ellipse, and P&E Commercial—and Silver sponsors—Newton Fisher and Abadeen—for your steadfast support and commitment.

As we reflect on the success of this event, it’s now up to all of us to turn these learnings into actionable steps. Let’s build on this momentum and create a lasting impact on the future of our industries.

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